Library @ RIT
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In the wake of rapid technological advancement the role of Library has to be redefined and remoulade. The Library functions in accordance with changing needs. Today Libraries are undergoing tremendous changes in their functioning by adopting latest technology so as to give the user population quick access to print an electronic information resource. Our College Library has 24000 volumes of books under 8451 titles. The e-journal facilities of the library provide unparalleled full text access to IEEE.
Library Rules
Library users shall sign the Gate Register before entering the library
Strict silence should be observed inside the library
While borrowing a book from the library the borrower must check the book thoroughly and inform the Librarian if any damage is noticed.
Books borrowed must be returned with in a fortnight. Incase of delay, a fine of Rs.1/- will be charged per day.
The loan period may be renewed for a further period of another fortnight. Renewal will be permitted only if no other student has applied for the same book. However, it is not at all possible for more than two consecutive renewals.
Books that are in special demand may be called for at any time when required.
Books borrowed from the library are not transferable.
Library books must be returned when students pack-up for long vacation.
Students are asked to use the library books with care. Marking, underlining, annotating etc, must be avoided.
A student who has lost the library membership card may make a written request to the Librarian for duplicate library membership card. Such duplicate membership card will be issued on payment of Rs.25/-
Magazines and Journals are not lent out. After reading they must be kept in their respective places
If a library book is damaged or missed, the person who is responsible for the loss has to replace the same with fine. If replacement is not possible, double cost of the book will be collected.
Students are allowed to make use of the reference books in the library only on submission of their identity card.
When the students finally leave the college, they should return all the library books borrowed by them and they should surrender the library membership card issued to them.
Students may approach the Librarian and the other members of the staff in the library for any help and guidance.